Happy and Safe and well! We have returned from the coastal towns in Rocha, Uruguay, and are now in Montevideo rehearsing! Buenos Aires keep an eye out! We are comingContinue readingUruguay!
Having a beautiful time performing in South America! Busy busy! Playing alot of solo shows, but also performing with a quartet, La Sister Brother, and we are currently playing inContinue readingSOUTH AMERICA
South America! Here We ARE!
Just arrived in Uruguay last night! Will head to the coastal towns soon! Thank you to all of the beautiful souls who helped to make this happen! Will write moreContinue readingSouth America! Here We ARE!
Back to South America!
It’s been a while since I’ve updated but here we go! Thank you to all of the gorgeous souls for lending me their eyes and ears and loudest clappingContinue readingBack to South America!
Thankyou Anne Foskett
I was in the Newspaper a little while ago, and a local artist decided to paint a picture of me from the article. As I arrived home yesterday I foundContinue readingThankyou Anne Foskett
THE EP! It’s nearly here!
From tomorrow you will be able to buy the hardcopies of the new EP, They Grew! You can hear some of the tracks from the EP on Soundcloud at: www.soundcloud.com/tashazappalaContinue readingTHE EP! It’s nearly here!
Supporting Chooka Parker on his QLD Tour
Halfway through the tour with Chooka Parker! We have just finished a few shows in Cairns, and will be heading South in the next few days! We played lastContinue readingSupporting Chooka Parker on his QLD Tour
Cultural Festival!! (:
Here it is! Cultural Festival 2013! with just over two weeks to go! performance times are now available! (: Set on the beach in Townsville, featuring four stages, playingContinue readingCultural Festival!! (:
On The Radio!!!!
Happy Tuesday!!! On the radio on 1503AM last Sunday night playing the Magic List! Thankyou so much to everyone who listened!!!! for live streamings of the station visit: www.3knd.org.au ThereContinue readingOn The Radio!!!!
New songs on the way,,,
New songs coming up! (: keep an ear out… have a listen and let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/tashazappala Love! xo