New Release: Late Spring
Late Spring Late Spring is the third soundscape album (following Early Summer, and Midwinter) of field recordings captured across Lutruwita/Tasmania. Field recordings were undertaken in the North-West of Lutruwita inContinue readingNew Release: Late Spring
New Release: Midwinter
Midwinter Midwinter is composed of field recordings captured in Lutruwita/Tasmania in the fall and winter of 2023. Sites include Takayna/Tarkine in the north-west and numerous southern sites throughout the coolerContinue readingNew Release: Midwinter
New Release: Soak
What a joy to share the new another new serenade, “Soak” out now. The film was captured, directed and edited by Louie James Richmond in Southern Lutruwita/Tasmania. Soak is theContinue readingNew Release: Soak
New Release: Early Summer
Early Summer It’s wonderful to be sharing some of the sounds collected over the last few seasons in Lutruwita Tasmania through the soundscape release: Early Summer. Since 2019, I haveContinue readingNew Release: Early Summer
Into Summer
Serenades across lutruwita/Tasmania as the days grow longer November 3rd: Sunday Serenades at the Republic Bar & Cafe, nipaluna/HobartNovember 7th: Penny Contemporary supporting Bing/Santospirito nipaluna/HobartNovember 9th: Willie Smiths Apple Shed,Continue readingInto Summer
Art for Takayna
Join us at the Long Gallery for Art for Takayna 2024, where artists’ works highlight the unique beauty and urgent conservation needs of Takayna. ‘Art for Takayna 2024’ at theContinue readingArt for Takayna
Upcoming Serenades
Overjoyed for the upcoming serenades into Spring: October 11th: Simple Cider – National Live Music Awards October 13th: Fern Tree Tavern October 19th-21st: The Unconformity Queenstown October 29th: Brewlab Cafe The Unconformity TheContinue readingUpcoming Serenades
Winter Shows
Winter Shows: June 1st: Republic Bar SerenadesJune 4th: Bream Creek Farmer’s MarketJune 8th-11th: Townsville Folk FestivalJune 15th: Dark Mofo Winter Feast June 18th: Tiff and Tash at MONAJune 30th: Supporting SHANE HOWARDContinue readingWinter Shows
Paragon Theatre Winter Season
Songs at the Paragon Theatre to celebrate the Winter Season: The evening will feature solo songs by Tiff Norchick, Tasha Zappala, and duets with the accompaniment of live soundscapes and fieldContinue readingParagon Theatre Winter Season