Art for Takayna

‘Art for Takayna 2024’ at the Long Gallery is a powerful display at the intersection of visual arts and environmental activism, showcasing the natural splendour of Tasmania’s Takayna / Tarkine and the critical conservation efforts it demands.

This year’s exhibition brings together a diverse group of artists whose works—ranging from vivid paintings and intricate sculptures to evocative films and photography—explore and celebrate Takayna’s unique landscapes and rich biodiversity that are under threat from mining and logging.

As you wander through the gallery, you’ll be drawn into a world of powerful art that is a call to action — urging us to protect these irreplaceable natural treasures. The exhibition is designed to provoke thought, evoke emotion, and inspire advocacy. Each piece tells a story, and each brushstroke underscores a plea: to protect wild and ancient Takayna / Tarkine.

Join us at Bob Brown Foundation’s 2024 Art for Takayna exhibition.

Temperate Release

To celebrate the art for takyana, a collection of soundscapes and audio-visual works have been released. The title track and accompanying audio-visual piece will be exhibited at the Long Gallery until June 22nd.


Temperate feat. Tiff Norchick

Temperate is composed of field recordings captured in takayna/Tarkine and with collaboration with harpist Tiff Norchick.

Mosses and small beings invite time to be spent in boundary spaces that challenge the limits of everyday perception. To focus on the scale of water droplets and moss microcosms requires attentiveness, care and quiet for the emergence of patterns and textures that deepens the awareness of forested environments. “Focus the lens on the mossy wallpaper itself and the green blur of the background resolves itself into sharp focus and an entirely new dimension appears.” – Robin Wall Kimmerer, Gathering Moss. 


Within feat. Tiff Norchick

Within all the soundings that occur inside the body that are quietened by the forested environments:

“The wood is dark- an entry into the intuitive way of knowing, counter-balancing the rational world of everyday.” – Rebecca Banham

As the companion piece to the soundscape Temperate, the work aims to convey the inner world prompted by outer ecosystems to the listener; the relationships that are shaped by interactions with natural environments.

Earthshine (live)

The final track on the Temperate release is Earthshine; composed from live recordings from the The Unconformity and Luke Jerram’s Museum of the Moon.

The live performance was in response to the installation of lunar imagery. The moon measures seven metres in diameter, featuring 120dpi detailed NASA imagery of the lunar surface. At an approximate scale of 1:500,000, each centimetre of the internally lit spherical sculpture represents 5km of the moon’s surface.

The moon was suspended above a frog pond in an old quarry in Queenstown, lutruwita/Tasmania – as soundscapes and field recordings superimposed upon the songs of evening’s descent.

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